Source code for tornadowebapi.resource

from tornado import gen, log

from . import exceptions

[docs]class Resource: """Base class for resources. To implement a new Resource class, inherit from this subclass and reimplement the CRUD class methods with the appropriate logic. The Resource exports two member vars: application and current_user. They are equivalent to the members in the tornado web handler. """ def __init__(self, application, current_user): """Initializes the Resource with a given application and user instance Parameters ---------- application: web.Application The tornado web application current_user: The current user as passed by the underlying RequestHandler. """ self.application = application self.current_user = current_user self.log = log.app_log @gen.coroutine
[docs] def create(self, representation): """Called to create a resource with a given representation The representation is a dictionary containing keys. The reimplementing code is responsible for checking the validity of the representation. Correspond to a POST operation on the resource collection. Parameters ---------- representation: dict A dictionary containing the representation as from the HTTP request. Returns ------- id: str An identifier identifying the newly created resource. It must be unique within the collection. Raises ------ Exists: Raised when the resource cannot be created because of a conflicting already existing resource. BadRepresentation: Raised when the representation does not validate according to the resource expected representation. NotImplementedError: If the resource does not support the method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def retrieve(self, identifier): """Called to retrieve a specific resource given its identifier. Correspond to a GET operation on the resource URL. Parameters ---------- identifier: str A string identifying the resource Returns ------- representation: dict a dict representation of the resource. Raises ------ NotFound: Raised if the resource with the given identifier cannot be found NotImplementedError: If the resource does not support the method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def update(self, identifier, representation): """Called to update a specific resource given its identifier with a new representation. The method is responsible for validating the representation content. Correspond to a PUT operation on the resource URL. Parameters ---------- identifier: str A string identifying the resource representation: dict a dict representation of the resource. Returns ------- None Raises ------ NotFound: Raised if the resource with the given identifier cannot be found BadRepresentation: Raised when the representation does not validate according to the resource expected representation. NotImplementedError: If the resource does not support the method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def delete(self, identifier): """Called to delete a specific resource given its identifier. Corresponds to a DELETE operation on the resource URL. Parameters ---------- identifier: str A string identifying the resource Returns ------- None Raises ------ NotFound: Raised if the resource with the given identifier cannot be found NotImplementedError: If the resource does not support the method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def exists(self, identifier): """Returns True if the resource with a given identifier exists. False otherwise. Parameters ---------- identifier: str A string identifying the resource Returns ------- bool: True if found, False otherwise. """ try: yield self.retrieve(identifier) except exceptions.NotFound: return False return True
[docs] def items(self): """Invoked when a request is performed to the collection URL. Returns a list of identifiers available. Corresponds to a GET operation on the collection URL. Returns ------- list: The list of available identifiers. Raises ------ NotImplementedError: If the resource collection does not support the method. Notes ----- For security reasons stemming from cross site execution, this list will not be rendered as a list in a json representation. Instead, a dictionary with the key "items" and value as this list will be returned. """ return []
[docs] def validate_representation(self, representation): """Validates the representation incoming from a request, after it has been decoded. Any generic exception occurring in this method will be converted into a BadRepresentation exception. Exceptions that belong to this distribution will be let through to produce the expected response. This method is always called before being dispatched to the CRUD methods accepting a representation. By default, it does nothing, accepts any representation, and returns the same representation. The method can also be used to modify the incoming representation so that it's compliant with the expectations, or return a new representation. Returns ------- The representation that will be used. """ return representation
[docs] def validate_identifier(self, identifier): """Validates the identifier from a request. Any exception occurring in this method will be converted into a NotFound exception. Exceptions that belong to this distribution will be let through to produce the expected response. Note: We use NotFound (404) because the URL is likely valid. If our identifiers are all integers, so that /foo/1/ is a valid URL for identifier 1, and the following url /foo/whatever/ Is simply not present. This method is always called before being dispatched to the CRUD methods accepting an identifier. By default, it does nothing, accepts any identifier, and returns the same identifier. The method can also be used to modify the incoming identifier so that it's compliant with the expectations, or return a new identifier. Returns ------- The identifier that will be used. """ return identifier